We are very excited to be celebrating with our Christmas concert this year. Below is important information to help ensure things run smoothly and everyone is where they need to be at the right time.
Our Chinook’s Edge maintenance department has plowed a parking lot in our field south of the school. Although there will not be room for everyone, it will get all of us closer to the school. Below is a map to show the lot and how to enter and exit. There will also be signs up the night of the concert.
Student drop off and arrival
Please drop your child off 15 minutes before their performance. Teachers will be ready at this time. Please drop your child off at the door they usually enter and exit from.
Once you have dropped your child off you can enter the school through the front door by the office. When you enter you can go to the gym and take a seat.
Student pick up
After your concert, can you please send one parent or guardian to pick your child up at their classroom.
After you pick your child up you can leave through the closest door. Please avoid the front door by the office as parents for the next concert will be coming in.